Book Appointments (Consultation times may vary)
Doctors - during COVID -19 Pandemic: Telephone Triage Service
If you call for an appointment in the morning you may be offered a telephone 'triage' appointment by the reception staff.
They will take your name and telephone number and a brief outline of the reason why you need an appointment. One of the doctors will then ring you as soon as possible. Please be patient as it may mean that they are unable to call until the end of morning surgery.
- Monday to Friday Mornings: 9.00am to 11.00am
- Monday to Friday Afternoons: 2.00pm to 4.20pm and 2.30pm to 4.50pm
Please note that the doctors work on a rota basis so not all consult at the same time.
Practice Nurses & Clinical Pharmacist
- Monday, Wednesday and Friday: 7.20am to 12.00pm
- Tuesday and Thursday: 9.00am to 12.00pm and 3.00pm to 5.00pm
Please check in at the reception desk on arrival.
Cancel Appointments
Many appointments are "lost" each month because patients fail to attend. If you are unable to keep an appointment would you please cancel it, giving as much notice as possible. We can then allocate that time to other patients who require to be seen.
Home Visits
Home visits can be requested for those who are unable to attend the health centre due to medical reasons. It is at the doctor's discretion but please let us know early in the day if you think a house call is necessary.